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也买酒与世界级酒评家James Suckling达成独家战略合作

双十一过后,也买酒又传来喜讯,亚洲领先的葡萄酒在线媒体James Suckling.com与中国最大的葡萄酒电商也买酒(Yesmywine.com)今天签署了一份关于网络中文内容合作的独家协议。双方将合作为也买酒超过700万的注册会员每周定期提供葡萄酒博客、品酒词及新闻信等资讯。
JamesSuckling.com, Asia's leading online wine media, and YesMyWine.com, China's largest online wine merchant, signed an exclusive agreement today to create internet-based content in Chinese. The weekly content will include blogs, tasting notes and newsletters that will be distributed to YesMyWine's more than seven million registered users in Mainland China.
“中国是目前全世界最令人激动的葡萄酒市场之一,”JamesSuckling.com的CEO James Suckling说到。Suckling先生目前居住在香港,他补充道:“目前高端葡萄酒的需求在放缓,但是中国消费者对于好品质葡萄酒的渴求让其余品类的葡萄酒依旧保持着健康的增长。阻碍他们的是有用而准备的葡萄酒信息,而JamesSuckling.com将于也买酒(Yesmywine.com)合作为他们排忧解难。”
"The Chinese market is one of the most exciting markets in the world at the moment," said James Suckling, CEO of JamesSuckling.com. Suckling is a resident of Hong Kong. "There's been a slow down in the top end of the market, but the rest of the market shows healthy growth as Chinese consumers look for good quality wines. The problem is finding useful and accurate information on wine. JamesSuckling.com plans to provide this with YesMyWine.com."
也买酒(Yesmywine.com)CEO袁疆先生对此合作表示非常欣喜,他说道:“也买酒非常高兴可以与James Suckling这样的世界级酒评家合作,我们期望给我们的会员提供最好的葡萄酒资讯,而James和他的JamesSuckling.com团队则将为我们量身制定这些内容。”据了解,双方还将通过重要的社交媒体渠道,包括微博和微信,来推广这些原创的中文葡萄酒信息。
YesMyWine.com CEO, Dixon Yuan, was equally ecstatic about the new agreement. "YesMyWine is very happy to work with a world-acclaimed wine critic such as James Suckling," he said. "We want to provide the best information about wine possible for our customers and followers, and James and his team at JamesSuckling.com will provide this sort of information in Chinese." The original Chinese content will be pushed out to all key social media in the People's Republic of China (PRC) including WeChat and Sina Weibo. 
据悉,JamesSuckling.com在两周前在香港美酒美食节Wine&Dine Festival期间成功举办了一场消费者葡萄酒盛会《Great Wines of the World》,并在这次盛会之前向其5000名订阅者首次推出中英双语的新闻信。本次美酒美食节吸引了近18万名参观者,而《Great Wines of the World》品酒会则是汇集了全世界47家顶尖酒庄,包括木桐罗斯柴尔德城堡(Château Mouton-Rothschild)和活灵魂(Almaviva)。超过5000人参与了在启德(Kai Tak)展览中心Riedel馆举办的本次葡萄酒盛会。
JamesSuckling.com launched a Chinese/English newsletter in Hong Kong two weeks ago to 5,000 followers just before its highly successful Great Wines of the World consumer event, part of the Wine & Dine Festival from October 30 to November 2. The Wine & Dine Festival attracted 180,000 people, and Great Wines of the World featured 47 of the best wineries in the world, from Château Mouton-Rothschild to Almaviva. More than 5,000 people attended the various events including the Great Wines of the World booth within the Riedel Pavilion at Kai Tak fairground.
YesMyWine.com, founded in 2008, is a wine merchant that abandons the traditional business model of entity shop and adopts multi-dimensional marketing pattern combined by website, telephone, email and catalog. There are currently more than 5,000 kinds of wines and spirits from over 15 countries in their portfolio. In 2013, the company sold over 5.7 million bottles and reported a turnover of RMB 520 million.
JamesSuckling.com 创建于2010年。Suckling离开了他全心付出了29年心血的美国葡萄酒杂志《Wine Spectator》而创建该公司。目前这家国际化的公司拥有一个包含超过2万条品酒词、高清视频和博客的网站。同时,JamesSuckling.com 还在香港、中国大陆、泰国、美国和欧洲组织针对消费者的大型高端葡萄酒活动。
JamesSuckling.com began in 2010. Suckling left the American wine magazine Wine Spectator after almost 29 years as an editor to start the endeavor. It's an international company with a website featuring more than 20,000 tasting notes, high-definition videos and blogs. The company also organizes large premium consumer events in Hong Kong, China, Thailand, the United States, and Europe. 
For more information, contact 
ks@jamessuckling.com  or james_pun@yesmywine.com.hk
ks@jamessuckling.com  or james_pun@yesmywine.com.hk